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Skill Level Rating 2.0 means you have just begun to play pickleball either by taking a beginning clinic or by playing with friends.  You know some of the basic rules but may still be confused about the scoring and positioning.  You can generally hit forehands, backhands, serves and returns but lack consistency and control.  Your mobility is improving along with good hand/eye coordination. 

Picklebabies is intended for men and women who are fairly new players, with limited organized play experience and would like to play in low stress, friendly, fun-filled beginner level games.  This is our term for 2.0-2.5 players that want to participate in our Round Robin Events.

Skill Level Rating 2.5 means you have limited experience playing pickleball.  You can keep a short rally on the pickleball court and have a basic understanding of the game. You have the ability to keep score and know where to stand during serves. You can generally hit forehands and backhands, serves and returns but lack consistency and control. You are able to approach the non-volley zone and hit volleys, and attempt to dink but still need improvement. 

Skill Level Rating 3.0 means you have experience playing pickleball, have a consistent serve and return medium-paced balls reliably. You are able to make all basic strokes but lack control when placing the ball. You attempt lobs and dinks with limited success. You sustain a short volley session at the net. You have a clear understanding of the rules of pickleball and can keep the score properly. You can adjust to differing ball speeds.

Skill Level Rating 3.5 means you are an experienced player with medium-control and placement of the ball including lobs and dinks. You can play consistently at the non-volley zone. You anticipate your opponent’s shots and attempt more shot variety. You can place the serve deep into the court. You have a full understanding of the rules and know how to correct the score.


Skill Level Rating 3.5 means you are an experienced player with medium-control and placement of the ball including lobs and dinks. You can play consistently at the non-volley zone. You anticipate your opponent’s shots and attempt more shot variety. You can place the serve deep into the court. You have a full understanding of the rules and know how to correct the score.


Skill Level Rating 4.0+ means you are an experienced player with consistent control of all strokes and placement of shots. You can play aggressively at the non-volley zone and return fast, hard volleys. You can use the dink and drop shot successfully and occasionally force errors when serving. You can use spin with success and demonstrate 3rd shot strategies. You can adjust your game style to account for opponent’s strengths/weaknesses. Moves effectively with your partner, easily switching sides and communicates when required.

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