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Up to eight male players and eight female players can play in this league. This is on a first-come basis. No refunds or credits will be given after this date. Late registrants can choose to be a sub.* Obviously, we cannot control the weather; however, we will offer extended play for two weeks at the end of this session if needed. 


FORMAT: Based on the MLP style format, a team consists of 4 players, 2 women and 2 men. There are 4 games in a match - female doubles, male doubles, and two mixed doubles with each player having a defined mixed partner. The match winner is determined by the number of games won. If, after the 4 games, the match is tied, the match winner will be determined by which team has the highest point total of all 4 games. If the total score for each team is equal, the match winner will be determined by a coin toss (or a dream breaker – every player on the team plays 4 points of singles until a team reaches 21 points).


SCORING:  Each game is rally scoring to 21, win by 2. Players change ends at 11. Once the first team reaches 20 points, rally scoring is frozen and the winning point must be obtained while serving. Once the second team reaches 18 points, rally scoring is frozen and they can only score when serving.


SERVE/RECEIVE:  Partners do not switch sides of the court when serving/receiving. Player A for each team serves and receives on the right side when the score is even and Player B serves and receives from the left side when the score is odd. (The players may switch sides once serve and receive have been obtained). The players may switch court position on the side change (11 points), but must stay on the chosen side for the rest of the match. They must tell the opposing team if they are changing court position at the side change.


TIMEOUTS:  Each team has one timeout per side, per game.


SIDE/SERVE CHOICE:  Teams can use a coin flip or the #1 or 2 method to determine who will serve first and who picks the side.  During mixed doubles this method is used and the ‘losing’ team will announce their mixed partner pairs first. The ‘winning’ team will then choose their mixed teams and who they will compete against.


PLEASE NOTE:  Due to DUPR scoring system all subs must be approved by League Director/at the League Directors discretion. 

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